Hacke, M., Bylund-Melin, C., Milillo, L., Golfomitsou, S. (2021) IPERION HS and upcoming projects with Swedish partners.

IPERION HS – Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure on Heritage Science


IPERION HS is a consortium of 67 organisations from 23 countries that contributes to establishing a pan-European research infrastructure on heritage science. It offers training and access to a wide range of high-level scientific instruments, methodologies, data and tools for advancing knowledge and innovation in heritage science.

The project is the EU’s largest investment in heritage science to date and aims to establish a distributed research infrastructure that brings together researchers in the humanities and natural sciences and promotes an interdisciplinary culture of exchange and collaboration across national borders.

IPERION HS offers open calls for trans national access projects. In addition to access to expertise and instruments, project grants also cover travel and accommodation – but not own working hours. Grants are given for project collaboration across national borders – so from a Swedish perspective it is about collaboration with a partner in another EU country.

The total budget is EUR 6.15 million, of which about half goes to calls and project grants. The remaining funds go to education and in-depth research collaborations.

In addition to the Swedish National Heritage Board’s Heritage Laboratory, which coordinating the Swedish node, three Swedish organizations participate in IPERION HS: the University of Gothenburg’s Crafts Laboratory, Uppsala University’s SciLifeLab Ancient DNA and Umeå University’s Environmental Archeology Laboratory.

IPERION HS – Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure on Heritage Science – is part of the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020 and is led from Italy by the National Science Council Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. The project runs during the years 2020 – 2023.


For more information about the programme or to learn more about how to apply for support please contact the Swedish IPERION-HS representatives:

Marei Hacke, Riksantikvarieämbetet  marei.hacke@raa.se

Sara Norrehed, Riksantikvarieämbetet  sara.norrehed@raa.se

The video below describes how to successfully submit a research proposal